孙苗钟,男,浙江诸暨人;1982年9月-1986年7月,伟德BETVlCTOR1946起重运输与工程机械专业本科毕业,1986年9月-1988年12月,东北大学工程机械专业硕士研究生毕业,导师李玉娟教授。自1989年至今在伟德BETVlCTOR1946任教。1997 年晋升副教授,伟德BETVlCTOR1946优秀青年教师骨干,2008年为硕士生导师,1993-2000年任天津轻工业学院轻工机械制造与维修专业教研室主任,2000-2004年天津轻工业学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业(汽车方向)教研室副主任,2004-2009年伟德BETVlCTOR1946汽车工程服务系副主任。主讲工程测试技术、工程控制基础、汽车检测技术、单片机原理及应用、机械故障诊断技术、汽车理论及有限元法理论等课程;曾主持完成三项局级项目,曾主要参与一项国家自然基金项目和多次横向项目,;以第一作者和通讯作者发表论文四十余篇,其中EI收录八篇;以第二编者出版教材一部。
(1)Yang Huapeng,Sun Miaozhong,Xu Yuanli.A new time-frequency combined method based on improved complete ensemble emd and affine smooth pseudo wigner-ville distribution,UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, Volume 83, Issue 3, Pages 71-86, 2021.EI:20213610872718.
(2)Zhang Lijin ,Sun Miaozhong ,Xu Yuanli.Design and implemention of an automobile multi-functional tester based on usb data acquisition card,UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, Volume 82, Issue 4, Pages 93-110, 2020.EI:20204909581756.
(3)孙苗钟,殷磊,谈炳发,崔世海,徐元利. 振动信号处理与多功能时频分析系统的研究. 伟德BETVlCTOR1946学报.2020,35(04)
(4)Sun Miaozhong ,Lei Yin, Zhou Weihao, Wei Qiao; Song Feifei.Design and implementation of an automobile engine tester based on type MC9S12XET256 MCU,UPB Scientific Bulletin, Series D: Mechanical Engineering, Volume 80, Issue 2, Pages 79-90, 2018.EI:20182305284166.
(5)Sun Miaozhong, Cui Shihai,Tan Bingfa. Simulation Design of DC Motor Control System Based on MC9S12D64 MCU, Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application,2016,6(3),part-3:32-35
(6) Sun Miaozhong.Comparison and Analysis of Cohen Class Time-frequency Distributions,proceedings of The 4thInternational Conference on Mechanical Automation and Material Engineering Wuhan P.R. China,2015.5.23-5.24,ISTP.WOS:000361121100016
(7)Sun Miaozhong, Cui Shihai, Xu Yuanli.Design and Implementation of a Time-frequency Analysis System for Non-stationary Vibration Signals Using Mixed Programming,International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology,2014.7(6):283-294.EI:20144900280626
(8)Sun Miaozhong, WANG Chuan, He Lijuan.Design and Implementation of a Testing System of Automotive Air Conditioning Based on Delphi, International Journal of Control and Automation.2014.7(5):227-234.EI:20142417810546
(9)Sun,Miaozhong Tang Hongtao, Xu Yuanli,Mixed Programming Realization of the EMD-WVD Combined Method. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering.2013.11(4):1902-1908, EI: 20132116364278
(10)Sun Miaozhong, Wang Chuan, Xu Yuanli, Fault Diagnosis of Grinding Machine Using Choi-Williams Distribution Based on COM Module Technology. International Conference on Vibration,Structural Engineering and Measurement Shanghai, P.R. China,2012.10.19-10.21,EI: 20125215834348
(13)孙苗钟,谈炳发,周玉存.基于Delphi虚拟振动测试分析系统的设计与实现,仪表技术, 2008,(1):4-7
E-mail: smzh@tust.edu.cn