1999.8-2003.8 哈尔滨工业大学 本科;
2003.8-2005.3 哈尔滨工业大学 硕士;
2005.3-2009.7 哈尔滨工业大学 博士
2009.12-2013.3 天津大学 精密光学与仪器学院 博士后;
2013.3-今 伟德BETVlCTOR1946 伟德BETVlCTOR1946
1. 天津市自然科学基金面上项目,18JCYBJC88900,基于关节机器人的电火花线切割系统研究,2018.10-2021.9,10万元,主持
3. 企业横向项目:机器人手臂式电火花线切割装备研究,1900010026,2019.3-2020.3,25万元,主持
4. 航天科技集团横向项目:三层遮光罩桁架机构地面展开实验,2000010027,2019.5-2020.7,18万元,主持
5. 航天科技集团横向项目:大型桁架结构重力载荷卸载关键技术研究,2000010000,2019.12-2021.5,5万元,主持
6. 航天科技集团 横向项目,头罩机构零重力装置, 2000010029,2020.11-2021.11,5万元,主持
7. 航天科技集团横向项目, 远程工具设计,2200010010,2021.12-2022.12,5万元,主持
为了表彰科研团队在航天机械臂项目中的贡献,《天津日报》在2021年9月17号发表了“空间站首次载人飞行 天津科大科研团队助‘一臂之力’”的专题报道。中国《机械工程学报》和“学习强国”学习平台也予以相关的报道。2022年4月17号,《天津日报》头版发表了“筑梦向太空 奋斗写未来”的报道,再次对伟德BETVlCTOR1946在助力国家空间站建设中做出的贡献给予表彰。
1. Yinghuai Dong, Yuebo Niu, Yan Wang, Guangyan Li and Yuehua Li. Research on aerodynamic performance analysis of micro radial spiral-grooved air bearing. Engineering Research Express, v 5, n 1, March 2023, DOI 10.1088/2631-8695/acae20(EI)
2. Yinghuai Dong. Jiajun Liu, Guangyan Li, Yan Wang. Thermodynamic Simulation Modeling Analysis and Experimental Research of Vertical Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted EDM. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022,119:5303–5314. DOI:10.1007/s00170-021-08604-z(SCI,IF: 3.563)
3. Dong Y, Li G, Wang Y, et al. Study on the effective discharge energy mechanism of vertical ultrasonic vibration assisted EDM processing[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022, 236(4):453-461 .DOI:10.1177/09544054211028527.(SCI,IF: 2.759)
4. Dong, Y. H. ,Meng, L. K. , Wang, Y. et al. Research of Contactless Power Transmission in Rotating EDM System. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2022, 36:1407–1416. DOI: 10.1007/s12206-022-0228-1,(SCI,IF:1.81)
5. Dong Yinghuai, Song Jianbao, Li Guangyan, Wang Yan, Xue Wei. Research on non-contact ultrasonic vibration assisted rotating electrical discharge machining (EDM) machine tool. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing (IJNM), 17(1), 2021:1-12. DOI: 10.1504/IJNM.2021.113298 (EI)
6. Jingnan ZHAO, Xiaolei MA, Jian GUO, Yan WANG, Xuekang SI, Yinghuai Dong1*. Life cycle assessment on environmental effect of polylactic acid biological packaging plastic in Tianjin. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/189/5/052002
7. Jingnan Zhao, Jian Guo, Pranav Shrotriya, Yan Wang, Yinfeng Han,Yinghuai Dong*. A rapid one-step nanosecond laser process for fabrication of super-hydrophilic aluminum surface. Optics and Laser Technology 117 (2019) 134-141
8. Yan Wang, Bin Lin, Yinghuai Dong*, Jingnan Zhao, Xiaofeng Zhang ,Shuo Yang, Mechanism modeling and validation in ultrasonic vibration assisted drilling with variable cross section drilling tool of brittle materials,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2019) 103:3137–3149, DOI:10.1007/s00170-019-03762-7.
9. Yinghuai Dong*, Xiaofeng Zhang, Zhongjun Qiu. Study on integrated process of complex structure of SiC with multi-function machine tool. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing,2014,10(4):332-342
10. Dong, Yinghuai, Zhang, Xiaofeng, Fang, Fengzhou*, Qiu, Zhongjun; Gong, Hu. Study on integrated machine tool with ultrasonic assisted grinding for brittle and hard materials and process. Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition),2012,40(SUPPL.2):113-116
11. 杨峰, 董颖怀*, 薛威. 基于Clipper控制器数控伺服系统的PID参数整定[J]. 制造业自动化, 2016, 38(9):118-121.
12. 杨峰, 董颖怀, 李振亮,等. 基于Clipper数控伺服系统的限位与回零研究[J]. 组合机床与自动化加工技术, 2017(12):106-109.
13. 杨峰, 董颖怀, 薛威,等. 小型三轴立式铣床数控系统软件研发[J]. 机械设计与制造, 2019(10):95-98
14. 薛威, 董颖怀, 杨峰. 小型电火花机床特性分析与优化[J]. 机床与液压, 2018, 46(20):8-13.
15. Yinghuai Dong*, Zhenlong Wang. Micro-EDM Milling of Complex 3D Structure with Fix-Length Compensation Method[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science Edition), 2009(s1):241-243.
16. Dong Y H*, Wang Z L, Peng Z L, Chen H, Zhao W S. Design and Fabrication of the Micro turbine for Micro Gas Turbine Engine. Advanced Material Research. 2009(69-70):530-534
17. 董颖怀*, 王振龙, 彭子龙, 陈辉. 微型涡轮发动机中的压气机部件的设计仿真及加工试验.上海交通大学学报. 2009, 9: 1517-1520
18. Yinghuai Dong*, Zhenlong Wang.The Design and Simulation of Micro Gas Journal Bearing for Micro Gas Turbine Engine. Key Engineering Materials.2009, 3: 392-394
19. Yinghuai Dong*, Zhenlong Wang. Micro-EDM Milling of Micro Compressor prototype. International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nanosystems 2007:1243-1248