1. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目,航空发动机高压压气机叶片振动加载下的裂纹扩展研究,2018/10-2021/09,主持
2. 伟德BETVlCTOR1946青年教师创新基金,某型柴油机高压油管振动疲劳寿命预测研究,2017.07-2019.06,主持
3. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,基于人体坐立转换规律及人机耦合运动机理的转移辅具设计研究,2019.4-2022.3,参与
4. 中汽研汽车检验中心(天津)有限公司,横向项目:电驱总成疲劳损伤模型开发及验证,主持
5. 天津大学,横向项目:碰磨试验台转子系统强度及防护装置设计,主持
6. 中核高能(天津)装备有限公司,横向项目:医用核素注射仪原理机外观设计及开发,主持
7. 天津航天机电设备研究所,横向项目:面向快速组装的气浮零重力展开试验工装方案设计,主持
8. 中国船舶集团有限公司第七〇七研究所,横向项目:辐射监控台结构优化设计,主持
9. 天津大学,横向项目:燃料电池材料力学性能测试与仿真,主持
10. 天津航天机电设备研究所,横向项目:方案设计优化及图纸绘制,主持
1. Yang Shuo, Yi Z, Zhou B, Xue Q, Effect of initial foot angle (IFA) on kinematics and dynamics of body during sit to stand transfer, Medicine, 2023, 102(10), e33184.
2. Shuo Yang, Xin Huang, Jin-man Zhou, Qiang Xue, Application of Robotic Lower Limb Orthosis for People with Lower Limb Dysfunction, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2023, 94: 041501.
3. 杨硕,杜天玮,张晓鹏,马梁,张桂昌,外物损伤对叶片振动疲劳裂纹扩展性能的影响,兵工学报,2023,44(6): 1713-1721.
4. Shuo Yang, Na Zhao, Shouwei Zhang, Qiang Xue, Analysis of the effect of handrail and foot position on STS in healthy young adults with knee support, Research on Biomedical Engineering, Published online: September 2023.
5. 杨硕,刘杭,霍延利,赵明,薛强,航空发动机叶片裂纹扩展规律数值模拟研究,兵器装备工程学报,2022,43(8): 180-185.
6. 杨硕,张俊红,林杰威,付曦,寇海军,考虑裂纹形状变化的TC4钛合金振动疲劳裂纹扩展研究,航空动力学报,2016,31(10):2353-2358
7. Lin Jiewei, Li Weidong, Yang Shuo, Zhang Junhong, Vibration fatigue damage accumulation of Ti–6Al–4V under Constant and Sequenced Variable Loading Conditions. Metals 2018, 8(5), 296 (通讯作者)
8. 周金满,薛强,杨硕,霍延利,马梁,张桂昌,FOD对压气机叶片HCF性能的影响研究进展,航空发动机,2023,49(1):27-33. (通讯作者)
9. Jinman Zhou, Shuo Yang, Qiang Xue, Lower limb rehabilitiation exoskeleton robot: A review, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 13(4): 1-17(通讯作者)
10. 徐莉,薛强,孙英耀,杨硕,基于移动辅具结构设计的握力实验研究,中国康复医学杂志,2019,34(11): 1333-1338. (通讯作者)
11. Zhang Junhong, Yang Shuo, Lin Jiewei, A nonlinear continuous damage model based on short-crack concept under variable amplitude loading, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 2015, 39(1): 79-94
12. Zhang Junhong, Yang Shuo, Lin Jiewei, Fatigue crack growth rate of Ti-6Al-4V considering the effects of fracture toughness and crack closure, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2015, 28(2): 409-415
13. Huaiqiang Zhang, Qiang Xue, Shuo Yang, Tongtong Wang, Binwei Zhou. Application of Sit-To-Stand Assistive Device Based on Hip Support, Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 14: 466-479.
14. Binwei Zhou, Qiang Xue, Shuo Yang, Huaiqiang Zhang, Tongtong Wang. Design and control of a sit-to-stand assistive device based on analysis of kinematics and dynamics, Automatika, 2021, 62(3): 353-364.
15. Xiaolong Han, Qiang Xue, Shuo Yang, Shouwei Zhang, Min Li. Effect of different handrail types and seat heights on kinematics and plantar pressure during STS in healthy young adults, Medicine, 2021, 100: 49(e28091).
16. Min Li, Qiang Xue, Shuo Yang, Xiaolong Han, Shouwei Zhang. Effects analysis of handrail height on sit‑to‑stand movement under knee joint support in healthy young adults, Research on Biomedical Engineering, 2022, 38(2): 617-628.
17. Mengdan Jiao, Qiang Xue, Shuo Yang, Zhuyan Lv, Kai Qi. Effects of different handrail heights and initial foot angles on kinematics and kinetics in healthy adults during the sit‑to‑stand movement, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2023, 7(2): 335-349.
18. Qiang Xue, Tongtong Wang, Shuo Yang, Binwei Zhou, Huaiqiang Zhang. Experimental study on sit‑to‑stand (STS) movement: a systematic review, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 2022: 6(1): 152-170.
19. Bing Huo, Xijun Liu, Shuo Yang. Galloping of Iced Transmission Lines Considering Multi-Torsional Modes and Experimental Validation on a Continuous Model, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2022, 37(4): 3016-3026.
20. Bing Huo, Xijun Liu, Shuo Yang. Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Validation on Galloping of Iced Transmission Lines in a Moderating Airflow, Shock and Vibration, 2021: 9969435.
21. 李晋,薛强,杨硕,基于人体坐立转换运动规律的三自由度站立康复机器人设计,中国康复医学杂志,2020,35(8):921-925.
22. 郭京臣,薛强,杨硕,李晋,典型品种花生仁力学特性研究,中国油脂,2020,45(1):108-110.
23. 薛强,郭京臣,杨硕,李明真,油茶鲜果静压力学特性试验,沈阳农业大学学报,2020,51(5):593-598.